Emily is looking at her phone and turns suddenly towards Juliet.
- Oh wait! Is it next month?
No it’s not until two months. But oh, I've discovered all these like
energy supplements that they recommended taking during the marathon.
But they had so many flavors. Like I just— I want to try them out all
first you know? Like what if I buy the chocolate one and it ends up
being too sweet? I bought most of the protein bars too— and they had
these like energy jelly beans— they gave me Harry Potter vibes.
- Crazy flaours?
- No but they give you powers.
- Right...
I'm lowkey afraid since it says they contain caffeine and my heart
tends to— like I can’t drink a coffee past 3pm or I won’t sleep— oh
and I bought a shirt! It was kind of an impulsive purchase but, it’s
this shirt that it has some national parks listed on the back, I think
it's still back there.
Emily turns towards the back of the car and tries to scramble Juliet's
things to find the shirt. Emily gives up and returns to face the front
side of the car.
- Cute right?
- Aha...